Friday, February 7, 2014

Oh How He Loves Us

The other night, I received a beautiful gift from a beautiful person. It contained a divine message just for me. I could feel, in that moment of receiving, God's love in a way that I never had before. I understand that God loves us through others, through His word. But, I've never felt His direct and absolute love. It was as if the "middle man" had been taken out. I could feel a wave of His perfect love wash over me. I felt Him. It moved me to tears. That same evening I got home after 9pm, let my dogs out and for the first time, in who knows when, I looked up! I had totally forgotten that stars existed. And, oh how they shined in that clear, winter sky! As I was looking at them...remembering there's bigger things happening in the Universe, I felt His love cover me once again. I was struck so deeply at the fact (yes, fact!) that He made everything... and yet... He loves ME.
What was this divine message that I was given, you wonder?! It was my life's purpose wrapped in a bow! And, because my Father (who art in Heaven) believes in me, I will step into that purpose one little brave day at a time.

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