Friday, February 14, 2014

Breaking Free

I'm leading a guided book study with a friend using Beth Moore's book, "Breaking Free." A poem came out of me during the week of the study. It felt divinely inspired. It felt like it was for the women coming to the study. During our welcome, I bravely read my little poem to them. The night was lovely, powerful. I know that God will speak to each of us directly through these words we read and through our discussions. He has made so much of my old stuff new. He has the supernatural power to transform. I love that. He is simply looking for willingness. Just yesterday I was driving past a church (whose sign always manages to say what I need to hear) and it said this..."God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called."  I've been feeling led towards some things lately. My walk with Him is getting deeper by the day. I can feel myself letting Him in more fully. I told Him during a major prayer session with a friend to prune whatever needs pruning in me. It hurts! I'm uncomfortable and awkward. But, I'm experiencing more joy in my everyday life. I find myself nurturing my people in new ways. There's a shift and it's my daily surrendering to God's Mercy & Grace. Here's the poem:
*Breaking Free*
Unshackled, unchained
hearts blown open,
hearts aflame.
Tangled, strangled
strongholds no more!
Let God in to explore.
For He will journey
the caverns of your heart.
And, bit by bit
transform you into
His work of art.
Be opened, don't flee
He desires to break you free (and He will).
Your gift, for your work
will be His unexplainable
and neverending peace.

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